We invest in you

Make it easy for your customers to donate to the cause of your choice

Our Vision

Access One ATM and leading ATM manufacturers have teamd up to offer direct charitable giving at the ATM. The new program, Charity ATM™, is easy to use and can be remotely uploaded to an ATM machine.

Once the ATM is enabled, consumers can donate directly to participating charities such as the National Children's Cancer Society.

Our Causes

Charities are not the only ones that benefit. Did you know:

  • 89% of Consumers surveyed ar elikely to switch brands to one associated with a caus, given compararable price and quality (2013 Cone Communuications Social Impact Study)
  • 42% of respondents reported they would pay extra for roducts and services from companies committed to positive social and environmental impact (MSLGROUP Future of Business Citizenship)
  • 69% of global Millenials want businesses to make it easier for consumers to get invovled in societal issues (2014 Nielsen Doing Well By Doing Good)

Features You'll Love

Exceptional Service

We offer 24/7 support to all of our customers

Fully Automated

Whether you're an operator or a consumer, You can let us handle everything.

Ease of Use

It's a simple as any ATM. If you know how to use an ATM, you know how to use a Charity ATM™

Verifiable Partners

We partner with 501 organizations all accross the world. If your cause is not on an ATM, we'll work to put it there.

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